Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The End

And so it ends in static. I've found it increasingly hard to paint -- and to paint something I haven't painted before -- over the last year or two and I must admit that the pool of inspiration I was drawing on seems to have run dry. Whether or not it's spring fed and will fill again remains to be seen, but for now I think it's time to give painting a rest. Maybe I'll try some other type of art. At the moment though, writing is what I'm enjoying doing. Painting with words. I'm posting the first five parts of my open ended science fiction story, Captain of the Lost Star on my deviantART site (link on the right) and will post some other stories as well. I'm finishing up the second draft of part six, and will be starting part 7 shortly. I might try my hand at illustrating them, but we'll see. In short, still feeling creative, but not in a painting way.

Thanks for looking in over the years. You can keep tabs on what I'm up to on my DeviantART site.