Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Morning Willows

Inspired by my early morning bike ride today -- willows in the morning mist, though I  increased the contrast between the low sun lit mist and the line of trees.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Strand Creek

Another one of my doodles in paints. If I learn anything about painting, it is likely by doing it, so I keep doing it, even when I don't have a clue as to what to paint.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Monday, May 24, 2010

Alone in the Botanical Gardens

Today I decided to 'de-construct' last week's Botanical Garden painting, i.e. to paint it in this more abstracted style. I did not have the first painting in front of me, so this one only vaguely resembles the original (I think, since I haven't compared to two yet...)

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Friday, May 21, 2010

Crescent Park Studies

I've put aside yesterday's painting -- the bottom line is that I need a big enough idea to fill the size of the board I've chosen, and my idea wasn't big enough to fill an 18x24" board. So today we're on to smaller paintings -- which I think are my forte anyways...

Crescent Park Study 1:

A familiar scene -- a small fenced in urban park like a London Square -- that I return to time after time because I like painting it. This is done in more or less my usual style.

8x12" 20x30cm acrylic on hardboard

For my second painting I wanted to de-construct the painting above: make it more elemental, more abstract.  What I want to paint is impressionist inspired abstract landscapes that don't look abstract (until you look at them closely and realize I didn't paint anything "real").  Study 1, above, though far from realistic, is fairly literal never the less. For my second study I wanted to be freer.

Crescent Park Study 2

Having the first study before me made it easier to avoid falling into old habits and making things too specific. This is far closer to what I want to paint, and only occasionally do. Painting small paintings helps too: I find it hard to scale the effects I want up to larger sizes, though you would think it would be fairly easy -- perhaps I just need some really large brushes...

8x12" 20x30cm acrylic on hardboard

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Moon and Fen Road -- revison in progress

This morning's work, not done and a bad photo -- not sure where I'll go next with this.

18x24" 45x60cm acrylic on hardboard

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Moon and Fen Road

I was pleased at how using a green sky for night seemed to work a painting or two ago, so I decided to try it again.  I doubt that this will be the final version and the colors did not photograph well... so consider it a work in progress, though just what I'll do hasn't come to me yet.

18x24" 45x60cm acrylic on hardboard

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

White Sky Study

The only thing I had in mind when I started this piece is I wanted to paint a white sky (rather than my more usual yellow ones...) My morning walk is now a bike ride and I go further on the bike path, along a long line of willows in a field, so this painting is more grounded in actual experience than most of my pieces. Still, it has a rather "Starving Artists" abstract landscape feel to it ... all I can say is "sorry".

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Monday, May 17, 2010

Russian Moonlight

I recently had a book on Russian landscape painting out from the library and it featured several paintings with moonlit or night time skies painted in greens. So I thought, what the heck, and thus the title of this piece.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Friday, May 14, 2010

Botanical Garden in Moonlight

Here is today's revision.  All very slapdash, but I spent too much time being slapdash, will have to do it right the first time.  Spending too much times is counter productive. I wish this one turned out better. Oh well. Next week.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Botanical Garden in Moonlight

A rather slapdash effort, on purpose, so I'll make it a virtue. I changed the foreground  from lawn to a pond, which I'm not convinced was a plus. I can always change it back...

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Orchard Lane Dawn

I still would not care to be found dead in a ditch with this piece, but it's an improvement in my eyes over yesterday's effort.  It is still not what I really want to paint, it is too specific, too literal for what I care to paint, but I wanted to re-do yesterday's version as a point of honor.

18x24" 45x60cm acrylic on hardboard

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Orchard Lane Dawn

One of the dangers in improvising while painting is that you may end up with a painting you would not want to be found dead in a ditch with... like this one.  Oh well, it killed a rainy afternoon.

18x24" 45x60cm acrylic on hardboard

Monday, May 10, 2010

Morning Along the River (In Blue)

My greens weren't working this morning -- I tried using cobalt (hue) instead of ultramarine as the blue for my greens, but that didn't want to work today -- so I  just went with mostly blues. The subject was more or less improvised as I went along -- I wanted something a little different than what I've been doing recently.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Quiet Corner, After a Shower

As I confessed last posting, I'm just playing with paints these days -- the subject matter is of little concern for me -- thus we have here another treatment of a scene I have used several times before in recent weeks.  Oh well...

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Early in the Morning in the Park

In the years I painted in watercolors I used to dip my brush into the various paints that I thought I wanted to use to create the color I was looking for and then put the brush to the paper and mix things up a bit with a little water.  The paints would mix and arrange themselves, creating interesting patterns and doing a lot of the work of making the painting interesting.  With these thicker paints, I still do the same thing, but the paints don't mix themselves on the board, I have to do that, which is a lot more work.  However, it is also fun to push the paint around and see what you can come up with.  This is pretty much what I'm doing these days -- the actual scene is a secondary consideration, and is certainly a secondary consideration in this piece.

12x16" 30x40cm acrylic on hardboard