Monday, December 17, 2012

The Stone Barn

I had my act together this time, technique wise, so this one is a little more polished than my first effort. I'm not sold on the composition, but it is different from my usual. These are sheets of canvas and because they are fabric,  it will tend to shrink a bit because of the water used in the painting of it. Taping it down with masking tape was always hit and miss. This time I tried glueing the edges down to my formica drawing board using acrylic medium and that worked great. I was able to peel it off without a great deal of trouble, though I'l have to experiment on just how little acrylic I'll need to keep it down.

12x18" 30x45cm acrylic on watercolor canvas

1 comment:

  1. Really liking the colours and texture in those rocks, and the shape of the thin branches above.
