Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Winter Scene underway

I've made a start on the next painting. It is going to be a dusk scene, so I have painted the walls a bit darker than I normally would at this point. As a rule, you can never paint too light with acrylics because you can always wash after wash of color over the existing colors to darken and alter the color to suit what you want to do, since once acrylics are dry they tend to stay put and not get muddy. However, since I know that the walls will be in deep shadow, I went a little darker for their first wash than I normally would. You can see the blue outlines of the buildings and I am planning on putting a group of large trees behind the central building in an unseen open square, so that a lot of the sky be overpainted with branches... if all goes well...  I will also have to add some figures as well, though with acrylics I can just put them over the existing paint where I want them -- I can scrub off some of the paint or just paint over with white paint if necessary.

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