Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Autumn Saturday Along the Road to Bayport Revised

Above is the painting I started this afternoon -- it is meant to be a painting similar to yesterday's Early Autumn Saturday, but with the house in the foreground as part of the painting rather than being tacked on. As you can see I paint on hardboard with a clear gesso undercoating -- I prefer the warmer tan background to the normal white gesso, if only because it does not show all the little holes without paint as much as a white background.  

Below is the Revised Early Autumn Saturday Along the Road to Bayport. Yesterday's version was a painting sort of caught in mid-hop -- the house did not belong in a study of fields, shrubs and sky, and there was not enough nostalgic value outside of the old time house to make it work in that way. We'll see if by bringing the house closer, I can capture what was lost by moving the house out of the frame.

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